If you’re looking for a task that will annoy you, this is it! Alright, currently you have a 10Mb connection to your upstream provider, you’ve been charged with implementing some basic QOS to prioritize voice traffic (marked DSCP EF). You’re told voice should be given priority of 10%, and the…
MPLS Tools and Tricks – Part 1, show mpls forwarding-table (aka your best friend)
First off, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Between failing the CCIE (again), moving and changing jobs… I’ve been busy. Back off. That being said, I’m getting the itch again, and it’s time to start studying, I don’t care if it takes 20 tries over…
Running Labs Again!
I’m back at it! I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was considering quitting. CCIE is tough man, and failing it is soul crushing (especially failing it four times). However, the record’s 19 attempts… so I figure if anything I can at least try to top that! I have…
More MPLS!
So I can see that people like the MPLS labs, and while I’m down sizing and moving my physical lab I thought I’d crack out an MPLS lab out. This one is fun, I tried to add some extra complexity, while keeping it focused to R&S 4.0 blueprint topics. Some…
BGP Ticket(s) – Multiple faults
Buckle up, it’s BGP time. This ticket, or tickets features multiple fault points. I went a little overboard to be completely honest. So here we go! When all tickets are resolved, both R6 and R7 should have full readability to R1. You are not allowed to modify the configuration on…
Working on a Fun BGP Lab
I’m not dead and gone! I’ve just been extremely busy with work and studying. Things might calm down next week, and for the few that actually check this blog I have a fun BGP ticket coming. It’s about 75% done now, I want to toss a couple curve balls in…
Fun with MPLS – Part 2/’however many of these I feel like doing’
It’s been a peaceful couple weeks at iHatethisjob INC., perhaps too peaceful… Come to think of it you haven’t had ANY calls. Seeing as you’re Xbox is broken, and you’re all caught up on Downton Abbey (don’t lie to yourself), you decide to investigate. First things first you try to ping the…
Quick EIGRP Ticket
This is a really simple EIGRP lab, based off of a lab objective I ran into over this past weekend. There are a couple different ways to solve it, but for as simple as the topology is it makes for an interesting lab. As promised, I’ll deliver on my MPLS…
R3’s clock is out of sync!
You’ve just received a ticket from the NOC stating that R3’s clock is out of sync. Please make sure R3 is receiving accurate time from it’s NTP server. Also note that you may not disable any security features on any device, per company policy. Also note the solution of this…
Starting off with the basics
So, after a fun bout on Facebook I decided to take this troubleshooting ticket on the road! Here’s the scenario. You have two routers directly connected via a Serial connection. R1’s is assigned IP address and R2 is assigned Your mission, should you choose to accept it, restore…